Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years

Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years

Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years

Species Name: Citrus × paradisi. Light Exposure: Full sun or part sun. Recommended USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 8-11. Soil: 30% garden soil, 40% sand, 30% akadama.

About this tree: My first house plant ever, started its life as biology lab material. I decided to save it after finishing the work and next 13-14 years it just grew in a flower pot indoors. It seems that it has a similar mutation as the poncirus "flying dragon", as I had never wired it until its 15th year. All of the lower trunk curves are natural.

Unlike trunk, nebari was something I worked on a lot, and, seems like, achieved great results. Also, need to mention that that tree flowers about once in 3 years, and every part of it is very aromatic, especially the leaves!

Care recommendations: Basic recommendations as for other broadleaf evergreens: prune branches during the active growth, combine repotting with either defoliation or pruning and don't defoliate more often than once a year. There is the only one difficulty specific to citrus trees- they are extremely vulnerable to parasites. I recommend applying light pesticides at first signs of new flash of growth. Styling recommendations: Ramification is the most important thing now as for styling. Other than that, I don't think that a lot can be changed at that stage. Some of my trees naturally got a layer of moss on the soil surface.
Grapefruit (citrus x paradisi) bonsai tree, 27 years